Let’s Celebrate!
The Jubilee weekend was a true celebration of an incredible lady who has brought communities together across the country. It couldn’t have been a more British event with the variety of weather unable to subdue the crowds.
The bank holiday weekend made me reflect on what lessons has she taught us, and this is some of my thoughts;
1. Staying the course – the Archbishops speech at St Pauls gave tribute to a long reign of duty and public service. Times have not always been easy, but she has steadfastly remained consistent and faithful to the vows she took 70 years ago. In a society which leans towards instant gratification this is example we need more exposure to.
2. Leadership – she is an example of a leader whose purpose is to serve the greater good and she has gentle imparted her wisdom and worldview is to those around her.
3. A sense of humour – One of my favourite stories of the Queen, and one that Clare Balding recounts, demonstrates this brilliantly. Ian Balding, Clare’s father, use to train some of the Queens racehorses and she often came to yard to see the horses and be given an update on progress. One morning the Queen was at breakfast and the trainer was reading the daily paper which was referring to Mrs Thatcher becoming PM, he exclaimed to the Queen that it was unimaginable that a women could be running the country! I’m quite sure she saw the humour in the unintended irony!
4. Family – She is the ultimate Matriarch with her influence spanning the globe. She has earned this position, especially with the people in her beloved commonwealth, from her strengths, commitment, and ability to love with wisdom and without condition
5. Passion – this is one I share with the Queen! Unfortunately, the Queen was not able to attend the Derby on Saturday, but I was lucky enough to be there. Her lifelong passion has created a legacy in terms of winners on the racecourse and the horses she has bred.
And finally, it was a reminder to celebrate! It is so important to celebrate milestones and achievements, even though the world is an uncertain place and we are witnessing horrific suffering, celebrating together bonds us in a positive way and reminds us the whole is stronger than the individual.